Our History

     Ebenezer began in 1958 as a mission in a tent.  The tent was put up by the Gulf Coast District Association.  Rev. Clifton Hendricks, who was a member of the Gulf Coast District, became the first Pastor and named the church.  Bro. Herman Williams was ordained as the first deacon.


     Great praise and worship was rendered in that tent; however, in 1959, a storm came and destroyed the tent.  Soon after, a building was purchased by the Gulf Coast District Association and moved to the property where the current annex is located.  With God and under Rev. Hendricks’ administration and leadership, the Senior Choir, the Usher Board and the Mission were the first auxiliaries organized.  Rev. Hendricks resigned July 1965.  The church was led by the Lord to call Rev. J. J. Brown to be the next Pastor.  Rev. Brown resigned in February of 1971. 


     Three months later, God sent us Rev. L. V. Holliman.  With God’s plan in action and under Rev. Holliman’s leadership of 43 years, a new building was constructed, the old building was demolished and an annex was added.  We incorporated a third Sunday service with the organization of the Inspirational Choir.  In 1998, we purchased our first van and our Male Chorus was established.  With God’s plan still in action, our membership increased and our church prospered.  In 2007, the Sunbeam Choir was established.  In 2010, the Praise Team was organized.  With the influence of Pastor Holliman, it was all about “doing what the Lord said do.”  Rev. Holliman was called home to be with the Lord in June of 2014.  Once again, we were sheep without a Shepherd.  So, the Lord directed our own, Minister Nelson Douglas, to carry on the services. 


     In July of 2016, Rev. Jaron Barnes became our fourth Pastor.  During his tenure, the children’s church was formed and the annex was named the L. V. Holliman Hall.  Rev. Barnes preached his last sermon as Pastor October 2016.  Once again, Minister Douglas carried on the services. 


     The church went into prayer for God’s direction as to who He wanted as our next Pastor.  After praying to God and going through the pastoral search process, it was laid on our hearts on February 10, 2018 to call Rev. Raysell Booth as our next Pastor.  Pastor Booth preached his first sermon as pastor on March 11, 2018 from Philippians 3:9-12, entitled, “That I Might Know Christ.”  Pastor Booth placed emphasis on the church being the church in and outside of the sanctuary.  We initiated our Annual Great Give-Away; hosted a financial seminar and a health fair; and gave needed items and food to the sick and shut-in and to the needy.  Our drill team ministry and brotherhood ministry were established and our youth and young adult choir was re-established. 


     Since our beginning, a number of ministers have accepted their call to preach and a number of deacons have been ordained.  Currently, Minister Nelson Douglas, Minister Timothy Barron, Deacon Stanley Taylor, Deacon Edward Minor, Deacon Michael Evans, and Deacon Jacob Welch serve in the ministry.  Members that were here during the establishing of the church that are still with us include: Sis. Jinnie Howell, Sis. Faye Showers, and Deacon Michael Evans. 


     We are grateful for those that have served in this ministry.  We honor those that have gone from labor to reward.  And, we give God all the glory for what God has done with us, continues to do with us, and for what God has in store for us.